New Roof Installation

How to Prepare Your Home for a New Roof Installation

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Getting a new roof installed is a significant undertaking that requires some preparation. Ensuring your home is ready for this process can help the installation run smoothly and efficiently. Here’s a step-by-step guide on preparing your home for a new roof installation.

  1. Clear the Area Around Your House

Before the roofers arrive, clear the area around your house. This includes moving cars, bikes, outdoor furniture, and other items in your yard to protect them from potential falling debris. Ensure that the contractors have easy access to your home.

  1. Take Measures to Protect Your Property

Cover items in your attic with a tarp or plastic sheeting to protect them from dust and debris that may fall during the roofing process. You might also want to consider moving valuable items to a safe location.

  1. Prune Overhanging Branches

If trees around your house have branches that hang over your roof, it’s a good idea to prune them back before the roofers arrive. This gives the roofers more room to work and reduces the risk of damage.

  1. Inform Your Neighbours

Out of courtesy, let your neighbours know about your upcoming roofing project. The noise and activity could impact them, especially if your houses are close together.

  1. Prepare for Noise

Roofing can be a noisy process. If you or any family members will be home during the roofing installation, you might want to plan activities that will take you out of the house for a while.

  1. Remove Wall Decorations

The vibrations from heavy machinery on your roof can travel through your home’s walls, potentially causing pictures, mirrors, or other hanging items to fall. Remove these items from your walls as a precaution.

  1. Access to Power Outlets

Your roofing contractors will likely need access to power tools. Providing access to outdoor electrical outlets can be very helpful. If you don’t have outdoor outlets, an indoor one will work too, but make sure the pathway to it is clear.

  1. Speak with the Project Manager

Finally, before work begins, have a conversation with the project manager. They can provide further advice on preparing your home and answer any last-minute questions you may have.

At Kiwi Roof Masters, we strive to make the installation process as smooth as possible for you. With your help in preparing your home, we can ensure a quick, efficient, and high-quality installation of your new roof. Contact us today to schedule a consultation or to learn more about our new roof installation services.